2018 AQua Marathon Countdown

2018 9 hrs Triathlon


Advanced Sport Engineering in Collaboration with Ultra Performance & Endurance Sports, Colorado Sports, and Audio & Video Xtreme Sports are Working Together to Build a Healthier Lifestyle.

Sport Experiences are More Rewarding when You Receive Quality and Professional Instruction, Improving Your Performance & Endurance. Training to Individuals and Teams of All Ages.

Flying in Sports

We optimize Ultra Performance & Ultra Endurance in Ultra Events, Applying the principles of Bio-mechanical Engineering, achieving a balance between performance and resistance.

Ultra Triathlon

Ultra AQua Marathon

Individual Medley (IM).

Ultra Marathons

1024 hours

145 hours

24 hours

Providing Safe and Effective Training

Our Programs are Based in:



Athlete Decalog

Proper Etiquette

Directing the Energy Flow



Is the Art of Seeing What is Invisible to Others,

it is always the result of great intention,

it is always the result of great intention, sincere effort,

intelligent direction and skillful execution and

represents the correct choice of many alternatives.

Our Events are Dedicated to The Real Heroes Of México

Since 2010 Our Events are Dedicated to All People in México, Who Work From Dawn To Dusk
Without Receiving Benefits From The Government Welfare System
Despite Working 12 Hours Or More Per Day.

A Quiet Dignity That Deserves Our Respect,
These Warriors Have No Access To or Time for Sports, With Workdays Often Beginning At 3 a.m.
In All Types of Weather: Rain, Cold, Heat, Wind. Each Day Is Spent In a Battle for Survival,
With No Energy for Dreams Of The Future, No Desire to Remember the Past.
There Is Only The Present: Always Demanding Attention, Always Attempting To Drain the Spirit.

Contact Us

For more information on how You can be part of these programs around the World.

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