All ASE Events All Ultrarunning Magazine.
 Register Honoring

Honoring Our House
“Earth’s Day”
Ultra Marathon 24 hrs.

 Results Honoring

Saturday, April 21.

24 hrs Day & Night.

Starts 7 a.m. sharp.

 Register Recover

Recover Our Local Life Styles
“Identity Day”
Ultra Marathon 24 hrs.

 Results Recover

Saturday, June 23.

24 hrs Day & Night.

Starts 7 a.m. sharp.



 Register Courage

Courage is the Secret of Freedom.
AQua Marathon 8 hrs.
Swimming Non Stop.

 Results Courage

Individual Thursday, July 26.

by Team Saturday, July 28.

The Team Must Have
a Name and Captain
and up to 8 elements

Starts 7 a.m. sharp.

Ends 13 p.m.



 Register Warrior

Warrior Spirit
“Tlahuicole Spirit”
Ultra Marathon 145 hrs.

 Results Warrior

Pioneer and Unique Ultra Marathon, around the world.

October from 22 to 28.

145 hrs Day & Night.

The Team Must Have
a Name and Captain
and up to 8 elements.
