2018 Rulebook

U.S. Masters Swimming

Code Of Regulations And

Rules Of Competition

Training Plan

Advanced Sport Engineering in Collaboration with
Ultra Performance & Endurance Sports are
Working Together to Build a Healthier Lifestyle.

Sport Experiences are More Rewarding when
You Receive Quality Professional Instruction
Improving Your Performance & Endurance.
Training to Individuals and Teams of All Ages.

Quality, Is Always the Result of Great Intention, & Sincere Effort!

Spirit: Mental Strength, Full of Energy and Enthusiasm

Vision: Dream or Mental Image to Develop in the Future

Innovation: The Ability to Create Something New in the Mind

Risk: Perform an Action Without Getting a Reward

Positive Attitude: Positive Behaving that Reflects a State of Mind

Discipline: Developing Self-Control to Follow Training Rules

Respect: Show Consideration and Treat Courteously or Kindly

Honesty: Conformity to High Standards of Ethics or Excellence

Perseverance: Maintain Effort Despite Difficulties

Passion: Boundless Enthusiasm


Advanced Sport Engineering (ASE) provides programs and services to the swimming community, sanctions
swimming competitions, serves as advocates for competitive swimmers, and promotes the sport of competitive