2009 6 Day Race

2009-06-07.13-6 Day Race

2009-06-07.13-6 Day Race


Ultra Marathon 6 Days Day & Night
@ 144 hrs

Start 12:00 pm Sharp

from June 7th

to June 13th

Werita Memories


Text Story

2009 6 Day Race

2009 6 Day Race

Ultra Marathon 6 Days Day & Night @ 144 hrs

Start 12:00 pm Sharp

from June 7th

to June 13th

Werita Memories


Text Story

Piloncillo Memories

From the Earth to the Sun

Love breaks barriers of any kind, harmonized with Teamwork giving Excellent Results.

When I met Werita and invited her to the event "2008 Run For Life" a year before and got to know the fantastic world of Ultra Sport, I was surprised that she followed me "the wave (la onda)" and then we took advantage of our walks in the desert to train her for the next event that would be the “2009 6 Day Race”.

The Werita from the beginning She showed an indomitable warrior spirit, discipline, enthusiasm so that her training would be easy and finally obtain her reward.

The Preparations were exciting for both of us from placing the tent in a strategic place, Food, changes of clothes and shoes, in short everything so that nothing was missing. The Plans to carry out our commitments were ambitious and we were going to try to fulfill them, although they were feasible on paper, but doing them in reality was very different. Seeing Werita by my side was a very special experience because I had never had a partner since I was always alone at these events and from that moment on “Seria Para Siempre”. And finally the ultra marathon of 6 days or 144 hours began.

Living with athletes from different parts of the world, support staff, visitors, the atmosphere of enthusiasm means that in these 6 days we managed to bring together a great family that will hardly break ties to the future. We all enjoyed every second of the 144 hours despite the fact that each of us had technical problems (injuries, weather, muddy track, and some more) but that at all times we supported each other and helped to finish the event successfully.

In Our Team it was no exception because the heat wreaked havoc on my feet and blisters appeared first on the left foot and then on the right, which made me retire for part of the last night of the event and go to heal my wounds, well. At that point my enthusiasm had been compromised. And the miracle appeared, Werita arrived at the house announcing that she had managed to pass the limit of her prognosis. In those moments my mentality immediately changed my defeatist mentality (which is a vivid image of Mexicans and I have fought tirelessly all my life to combat it), to the winning mentality that has always existed within me because “The Sky is the Limit ”. I recovered and returned to the event to continue it and finish it successfully.

"Live happily now while you can" is part of the end of this event because Barbara, a participant in the event, performed a feat that for most of the runners was impossible to perform, said action was to cover the last lap in the time remaining to finish "6 Day Race ”, it should be mentioned that if 12 noon arrived during the lap, the distance traveled would NOT be counted. We who agreed to try and gave her encouragement to conclude her last lap, between cheers, applause and shouts, she achieved her desire, All present congratulate her and it remained part of the philosophy of sportsmanship.


2009 6 Day Race

Zapata Ironman Record

225 miles

Debbie Zapata Record

110 miles

@ 144 hrs

Certified By Colorado Sports

High Performance Sports








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