2011 First Ultra Marathon 145 hrs. Worldwide.

[videojs mp4=”https://www.audiovideo2k.com/__2011/2011-10-145hrs-Mexico-v19-web.mp4″ poster=”https://agreenproject.org/UltraSports/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/6dias-paralax.jpg” width=”1200″ height=”760″ preload=”auto” autoplay=”true” ]

Tlahucole Spirit.

Pioneer and Unique Ultra Marathon, around the world.

145 hrs.

6 day plus (144 hrs. + 1 hr)

Change Summer to Winter Time.

Day & Night

Starts 7 a.m. sharp

International Event

October Event

Additional Programs (Ecology, Cultural, Education, Health & Technology)

Gallery; 2011 First Ultra Marathon 145 hrs. Worldwide.

Map; 2011 First Ultra Marathon 145 hrs. Worldwide.


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