Te Quiero, Te Quiero
Y Eres El Centro De Mi Corazón

2009-06-03 Te Quiero

2009-06-03 Te Quiero

2009-06-03 Te Quiero

From the Earth to the Sun

In the earliest days of our relationship,
Marco made a CD for me with songs that he claimed explained better than he could in words how he felt about me.
This song was on that CD and nearly six years later I still cry whenever I hear it.
To think that I had met someone who could and did love me the way I had always hoped to be loved….it took my breath away then and always will.
When I see this video I remember our walks in the Arizona desert,
discovering an entire hidden world full of adventure, color, and life.
We looked for yellow, purple, green.
We tried to see what others missed or never even thought about searching for.
I think we continue to live with that idea in mind.
We take a child-like joy in the most simple things of life: being together, listening to the birds, watching the clouds, always looking for the beauty that surrounds us

One phrase in the song is that the singer loves his lady as far as from the Earth to the Sun.
I sometimes have a hard time understanding Spanish when it is sung, and I confess I still think that he says he loves her the way the Earth loves the Sun.
Either way is poetry, and either way it is our life together.

At the end of a dark stage in my life, arose a light that would brighten my world like a flare.
Her name is Debbie.
She flipped my mind, returning me to creative thinking, something that had long vanished.
The world was suddenly new and fresh.
I opened to Life for the first time, and each day we experienced together was filled with an innocent joy.

We are in love with each other and with this second opportunity for happiness that Life has given us.
Saying “I Love you”….it is not enough in comparison to the feelings that emerge when we are together.
We treasure every second, every instant, every moment as they become Infinity.

"Te Quiero"

By José Luis Perales

Year Released 1981

Single, 7", 45 RPM

Cada vez que te beso me sabe a poco
Cada vez que te tengo me vuelvo loco
Y cada vez, cuando te miro, cada vez
Encuentro una razón para seguir viviendo
Y cada vez, cuando te miro, cada vez
Es como descubrir el universo.

Te quiero, te quiero
Y eres el centro de mi corazón
Te quiero, te quiero
Como la tierra al sol.
Cada vez que la noche llena tu pelo
De cada estrella blanca yo siento celos

Y cada vez, cuando amanece, cada vez
Me siento un poco más
De tu mirada preso.
Cada vez, entre tus brazos, cada vez
Despierta una canción y nace un beso

Te quiero, te quiero
Y eres el centro de mi corazón
Te quiero, te quiero
Como la tierra al sol.

  1. Te Quiero Jose Luis Perales 3:49
  2. Te Quiero (Versión 2019) José Luis Perales 3:50

We Treasure Every Second, Every Instant, Every Moment As They Become Infinity

Discovering An Entire Hidden World Full Of Adventure, Color, And Life


One Reply to “2009-06-03 Te Quiero”

  1. Werita

    Te quiero, te quiero
    Y eres el centro de mi corazón
    Te quiero, te quiero
    Como la tierra al sol.

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