2024-10-16 Ansiedad

2024-10-16 Ansiedad
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Being apart from the person you love is never easy, even for someone like myself who needs a great deal of solitude in order to feel settled and strong. Marco and I learned (like all couples must) how to respect the need for personal space in our relationship and still spend as much quality time together as possible.

At this point we are living very much apart physically but we are more connected than ever emotionally. This is not the same type of separation as the one forced upon us by foolish government red tape in 2010. That was traumatic and came at a time when we were still very much in a honeymoon phase, never expecting to be torn apart through no fault of our own.

But this decision was logical and even methodical, having to do with more red tape on the horizon, my declining health, and a vague sense during the last two years I was in Mexico that I needed to leave. NOW. GO GO GO. That sensation grew and grew until I began to wonder if there was going to be some sort of horrible disaster that the Universe was trying to protect me from. I never felt that I was going to leave Marco, but it became very important that I leave Mexico. WHY?

I came back in November of 2018 and spent the next year getting resettled here, adjusting in a sort of reverse culture shock. I had adapted so wonderfully to life in Mexico: I loved the country beyond any place I had ever been, and yet at the same time I was relieved that I was here. Again, WHY?

In early 2020 I received my answer. When the pandemic hit all I could think was Thank You Universe, you may not have explained yourself clearly (do you ever really do that anyway?) but you made sure that I was where I needed to be in order to keep Mother safe. And since that time, as she moves through her nineties, I am even more grateful that I have been able to be here and focus on helping out any way I can.

This would never have been possible without Marco’s support. I didn’t tell him at the time about that fear I felt those last years, I couldn’t. Even for me, with many years of trying to listen to messages from the Universe and obey them, thus living in harmony, my uneasiness seemed so silly, but looking back, it was necessary to feel that dread or I would have been too selfish to leave.

I also firmly believe that these years have made our relationship stronger. Marco and I have learned to truly appreciate each other, to listen more (most of the time: sometimes we both turn into our Evil Twins but we try to keep that from happening too often); to explain ourselves as clearly as possible when we talk to each other, to not be afraid to mention anything we are feeling, to explore all the topics that interest and entertain us. We have rediscovered old pleasures such as reading aloud, and new ones like the world of sumo.

Marco may be far away from my side, but he is in my heart and soul, just like Mexico is and always will be. There would be no Debbie without Marco. Thank you, mi amor.
Debbie Zapata, October 2024


Long Distance Love: La Belleza de Un Abrazo Lejano

The Impact of ANSIEDAD on a Relationship

ANSIEDAD can come in many forms, especially in long distance relationships. When you feel the INTENSE connection like the one between Debbie and me, it can lead to moments of SWEET ANSIEDAD, where the desire to be together becomes OMNIPRESENT. I had never felt the CANDOR OF A HUG like the one I experienced with her the first time, and that quickly turned into a search for greater closeness.

The PASSION that Unites

As our relationship developed, so did our PASSION. Every encounter, every call, became a moment of anticipation filled with LOVE. I felt that ANSIEDAD por tenerla en mis brazos, tener sus encantos, musitando palabras de amor, deseando besar sus labios con fervor. With each KISS, we begin to SEAL OUR COMMITMENT: a BEDTIME RITUAL that meant so much to us.

HOPE in the Distance

Although we are physically separated, our SOULS are intrinsically UNITED. EVERY DAY, the end of our conversations becomes a DATE FOR LOVE, where we remind ourselves how much we LOVE EACH OTHER. The ANSIEDAD that accompanies those daily calls is a reminder of the INTENSITY OF OUR BOND, and gives us HOPE that one day we can share those PLEASANT EXPERIENCES TOGETHER, enjoying each hug that we so long for. Thank you to the UNIVERSE for having united Debbie and Marco Antonio “PARA SIEMPRE”.