“The Imagination is Intelligence Having Fun”

Self Confidence

"Give a man a fish and he will eat one day. Teach him to fish and he will eat all his life"



Wise Life
It is the search for knowledge that allows you to live well, moderation in behavior, with reflection and achieve virtue.

"A little money avoids worries; a lot of money attracts them"
"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone can see it"
“When the goal seems difficult, don't change it. Find a new way to achieve it "
"Going too far is just as bad as not going to the basics"
"He who dominates his anger dominates his worst enemy"
"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness".
"Music produces a kind of pleasure that human nature cannot do without"
"Revenge perpetuates hatred"
"Vices arrive as passengers, visit us as hosts and settle as masters"
"Never bet. If you know they're going to win against each other, you're a cheater ... If you don't, you're an idiot."

"Planning the Future with Common Sense &
Making Dreams Reality with Basic Rules."

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Eagle Vision

Vision is the Art of Seeing
what is Invisible to Others!

Engineering Applied to Sports

Energy, Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed

Flying in Sport!

Athlete Decalogue

Teamwork 5 C’s

Correct Etiquette

Directing the Energy Flow with 5 Elements (Wu Xing)


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Innovation Warrior Spirit




“Fly because The Sky is the Limit”.

Struggle & Battle against: Unchangeableness, Invariability, Stationaniness, Immobility, Fixedness, Lethargy, Idleness, Apathy, Indifference.

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