Xpeditions & Coaching for Life

“Live Each Day as If Your Life Had Just Begun”


Courage is the Secret of Freedom

Discovering the Wonders of the Natural World

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the ordinary? The world is full of extraordinary wonders waiting to be explored. From the top of snowy mountains to the depths of the ocean, there is a whole natural world waiting to be discovered. And with the experienced guidance of a Zapata Ironman Coach, you can embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of nature and unleash your true potential.

Activities at the Natural Laboratory

At the Natural Laboratory, we believe in the power of nature to inspire and transform. Our team of experts, led by the renowned Zapata Ironman Coach, is dedicated to providing you with an unforgettable experience in the great outdoors. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a beginner, we have activities suited for everyone.

Imagine standing at the top of a snowy mountain, surrounded by breathtaking views. The crisp air fills your lungs as you take in the beauty of the untouched landscape. With the guidance of our experienced coach, you can conquer your fears and push your limits as you navigate the challenging terrain. Feel the rush of adrenaline as you ski down the slopes or take a leap of faith with paragliding. The possibilities are endless.

But the wonders of the natural world are not limited to the mountains. Dive into the deep ocean and explore the mysteries that lie beneath the surface. Our team of experts will guide you through the underwater world, introducing you to vibrant coral reefs, exotic marine life, and ancient shipwrecks. Discover the wonders of the deep as you snorkel, scuba dive, or even try your hand at underwater photography.

"Xpeditions & Coaching for Life"

Unleash Your Potential with our Innovative System

Give Us The Opportunity To Highlight Brilliance Of Your Person With Your Own Resources, To Provide Greater Focus And Awareness Of All The Possibilities That Exist In You And Achieve Excellence.

At the Natural Laboratory, we believe in harnessing the power of nature to unlock your true potential. Our innovative system combines the principles of adventure, mindfulness, and personal development to help you discover your strengths and overcome your limitations.

Under the guidance of our Zapata Ironman Coach, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery. Through a series of outdoor activities and mindfulness practices, you will learn to push past your comfort zone, develop resilience, and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and the natural world.

Our experienced coach will provide you with the tools and support you need to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Whether it's conquering a fear of heights, improving your physical fitness, or finding clarity in your personal or professional life, our innovative system is designed to help you thrive.

So, are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and explore the wonders of the natural world? Join us at the Natural Laboratory and let the guidance of our Zapata Ironman Coach lead you to new heights. Discover your true potential and find freedom in the courage to explore.

Book your adventure today and unlock a world of possibilities.

Discover the Wonders of the Deep Ocean


Exploring the Wonders of the Deep Ocean

with Master Diver Zapata Ironman


Welcome to the mesmerizing world of the deep ocean, where the magic community of dolphins, the greatness of corals, and incredible nocturnal creatures await your discovery. In this blog post, we will delve into the exhilarating experiences of certified diving, from icy to tropical waters, guided by the expertise of the renowned master diver Zapata Ironman.

The Magic Community of Dolphins

One of the most enchanting encounters you can have underwater is with the magic community of dolphins. These intelligent and playful creatures captivate divers with their graceful movements and curious nature. Swimming alongside dolphins is an experience that transcends words, leaving you with a profound sense of connection to the ocean and its inhabitants.

The Greatness of Corals

As you descend into the depths of the ocean, you will witness the breathtaking beauty of coral reefs. These vibrant ecosystems are teeming with life, showcasing a kaleidoscope of colors and intricate formations. Master Diver Zapata Ironman will guide you through coral gardens, sharing his extensive knowledge about the importance of preserving these delicate habitats.

Incredible Nocturnal Creatures

When the sun sets and darkness blankets the ocean, a whole new world comes alive. Prepare to be amazed by the incredible nocturnal creatures that emerge from their hiding places. From bioluminescent organisms illuminating the water with their ethereal glow to elusive creatures like the vampire squid, each encounter will leave you in awe of the wonders of the deep.

The Force of the Sea

The ocean is a powerful force, and certified diving allows you to witness its raw energy firsthand. From navigating through strong currents to exploring underwater caves carved by the relentless force of the waves, every dive is a reminder of the immense power that shapes our planet. Under the guidance of Master Diver Zapata Ironman, you will learn to respect and appreciate the forces that govern the underwater world.

From Icy to Tropical Waters

Master Diver Zapata Ironman's expertise extends beyond tropical waters. With his guidance, you can explore the wonders of diving in icy environments, where you will encounter majestic ice formations and witness the unique marine life that thrives in these extreme conditions. Whether you prefer the warm embrace of tropical waters or the icy allure of polar regions, Zapata Ironman will ensure an unforgettable diving experience.


Embark on a journey to the depths of the ocean with Master Diver Zapata Ironman and discover the wonders that await. From the magic community of dolphins to the greatness of corals and the incredible nocturnal creatures, each dive is a testament to the beauty and diversity of our planet's oceans. Let the force of the sea guide you as you explore the vast underwater realm, creating memories that will last a lifetime.


Desert's Wonders

Snow Peak Mountains

Idiot List

Tropical Paradise

2018 Xpeditions Underwater

2009 Snow



2018 Calendar of Ultra Sports Events & Records Timeline

Real Héroes Of México

Since 2010 Our Events are Dedicated to All People in México, Who Work From Dawn To Dusk
Without Receiving Benefits From The Government Welfare System
Despite Working 12 Hours Or More Per Day.

A Quiet Dignity That Deserves Our Respect,
These Warriors Have No Access To or Time for Sports, With Workdays Often Beginning At 3 a.m.
In All Types of Weather: Rain, Cold, Heat, Wind. Each Day Is Spent In a Battle for Survival,
With No Energy for Dreams Of The Future, No Desire to Remember the Past.
There Is Only The Present: Always Demanding Attention, Always Attempting To Drain the Spirit.

Avoid Selling My Country

Se Vende mi País por todos lados
La tripa, el corazón y sus costados
Se Vende mi País a 4 vientos
Su sangre, su sabor, sus alimentos
Se Vende mi País cada momento
Su hambre, su dolor, su sentimiento
Se Vende mi País con todo y gente
Se vende la palabra independiente
Yo no lo vendo no, porque lo quiero
Yo no lo vendo no, mejor me muero
Yo no lo vendo no, porque lo quiero
Yo no lo vendo no, mejor me muero ….

2018 Xpeditions